Privacy Policy
We take pride in conducting business responsibly and ethically. Hence, we place the highest regard on our customers’ data privacy and security. The contractual Agreements in force governing handling of client data are always adhered to and dictate that data is never shared with any third party without express written consent of the customer. Furthermore, our customer data is never shared outside of the brand providing service for any purpose other than improving internal business operations.
We will not share, transfer, sell or otherwise provide customer data to any third party unless: (1) The customer provides direct explicit permission to do so or (2) The customer makes a specific and proactive selection within the system that permits data to be shared with a third party.
Furthermore, collected proprietary customer business data such as bookings information, rental rates and other pertinent business data is never provided, accessed or shared in any manner outside of the originating brand without your permission.
To facilitate your transaction, we will record the personal information you provide (name, address, email address, etc). We may retain this information for internal marketing purposes only but we will not provide this information to any third party. Credit card transactions are handled by a third party that adheres to current PCI standards. We do not store or otherwise retain credit card numbers.
Our web server may collect your IP address and may ask for cookies to facilitate website transactions.
Upon request all of your personal information will be deleted from our records.